□ 제목: Thrust Uncertainty Method(TUM)를 이용한 원자력발전소 모터구동 게이트 밸브의 운전여유도 개선
□ 발간처: 한국전력기술주식회사
□ 발간일: 2018.10.25
□ 저자: 이제욱
□ 내용
The EPRI Motor Operated Valve (MOV) Performance Prediction Methodology (PPM) is a validated method for determining the required thrust or torque to stroke gate, globe and butterfly valves under design basis conditions. For gate valves, the PPM includes a friction algorithm which determines the coefficient of the friction for the various bearing surfaces in the valve as a function of material, temperature, fluid medium, contact stress and contact configuration. The actual seat coefficient of friction for a specific valve can only be determined by performing a dynamic test, the difference between the required thrust predicted by the PPM and the actual required thrust is an uncertainty. The EPRI has developed and validated a method, deemed the “Thrust Uncertainty Method” (TUM), for calculating this uncertainty and incorporating it into a statistical evaluation of the required setup parameters for torque switch controlled strokes. This study describes the EPRI TUM and the operational margin improvement when compared to use of the PPM without TUM.
□ 링크
ALIO : 공공기관 경영정보 공개시스템
알리오, ALIO 공공기관 경영정보공개시스템
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