□ 제목: 원자력발전소 배관 감육 평가 절차 개발 - Part2: 국부 감육 평가 방법
□ 발간처: 한국전력기술주식회사
□ 발간일: 2019.07.31
□ 저자: 윤훈
□ 내용
Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC), liquid droplet impingement erosion (LDIE), cavitation and flashing can cause persistent wall thinning in nuclear secondary pipes. In order to prevent pipe rupture events due to the wall thinning, most NPPs (nuclear power plants) have their management programs, which include periodic thickness inspection using UTs (ultrasonic tests). Meanwhile, in field experiences, it is well known that, often the thickness measurement errors (or deviations) are comparable with the amount of thickness reduction. Because of these errors, it is difficult to estimate wall thinning exactly whether the significant thinning is occurred or not in the inspected component. As the first step, in the previous study, the authors had presented an approximate estimation procedure for thickness measurement deviations at each inspected component and the statistical and quantitative characteristics of the measurement deviations using plant experience data. In this study, statistical significance was quantified for the current methods used for wall thinning determination. And, the authors proposed new estimation procedures for determining local wall thinning to overcome the weakness of the current methods. The new procedures were also quantified their statistical significance. As the results, it is confirmed that new methods have better estimation confidence than the methods currently used.
□ 링크
ALIO : 공공기관 경영정보 공개시스템
알리오, ALIO 공공기관 경영정보공개시스템