□ 제목: 원자력발전소에 무선기술 적용방안
□ 발간처: 한국전력기술주식회사
□ 발간일: 2017.11.27
□ 저자: 김태진
□ 내용
Wireless communication technologies have been continuously studied due to their flexibility and cost efficiency in nuclear power industry. In order to apply wireless technologies into nuclear power plants (NPPs) for communication purpose, Electromagnetic interference (EMI) with the installed instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment in NPPs should be considered. In this paper, we have investigated characteristics of various different wireless technologies and proposed a Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) technology as an adequate wireless one for NPPs through rigorous review. Also, we suggest an applicable method to apply TETRA technology into NPPs by minimizing electromagnetic interference on the existing equipment. Upon investigation of the I&C equipment in the Shin-Kori NPP Unit 3 (SKN3) which is a first-of-a-kind (FOAK) plant of advanced pressurized water nuclear reactor 1400 MW electricity (APR1400), the standards of RS103 in MIL-STD-461E and IEC 61000-4-3 are used for EMI testing. Based on the regulatory position in Reg. Guide 1.180, the exclusion zone is presented by calculation for the equipment qualified by RS103. To set up the exclusion zone of the equipment qualified by IEC 61000-4-3, the intensities of interference to the existing equipment for the test signals of RS103 and IEC 61000-4-3 are compared by analyzing the electric field intensities and the bandwidths of the test signals’ spectrums. Moreover, electromagnetic waves from the wireless devices are simulated to compare the electric field intensities between free space and cabinet-installed environment.
□ 링크
ALIO : 공공기관 경영정보 공개시스템
알리오, ALIO 공공기관 경영정보공개시스템
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