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[경제공부] #979 기관 보고서로 본 에너지(건물에너지 관리시스템 (BEMS) 기술동향 및 개발방안에 대한 고찰)

by Kay/케이 2024. 9. 3.




제목: 건물에너지 관리시스템 (BEMS) 기술동향 및 개발방안에 대한 고찰

발간처: 한국전력기술주식회사

발간일: 2019.07.31

저자: 나춘수


Building Energy Management system (BEMS) is an integrated system to monitor the energy consumption and to provide the optimization method of the building energy management by maintaining the comfortable building environment. The BEMS has been rapidly developed by adapting the industrial 4.0 technology such as IoT (Internet of Thing), Big Data Analysis Techniques, AI (Artificial Intelligent), and Machine Learning algorithms. Furthermore, the building energy consumption has been steadily increased. In addition, the Korean government has declared the permanent shutdown of the KORI nuclear power plant unit#1 which is the first nuclear commercial power plant in Korea since 1977. In addition, the Korean government suggested an Energy roadmap focusing on the renewable energy enlargement and developing the energy efficiency and energy management. This paper mainly addresses 1) the concept of the BEMS, 2) Government policy and related code & standard 3) Recent Research and Technology Trend 4) KEPCO-ENC headquarter building and installed BEMS status. In addition, the development direction for the KEPCO-ENC BEMS has been suggested based on the study and analysis mentioned above.





ALIO : 공공기관 경영정보 공개시스템

알리오, ALIO 공공기관 경영정보공개시스템



