□ 제목: 3D CAD 모델 표준화를 통한 원자력발전소 생애주기 정보 관리방안 연구
□ 발간처: 한국전력기술주식회사
□ 발간일: 2021.11.19
□ 저자: 양준혁
□ 내용
With the coming of the fourth industrial revolution, the use of 3D CAD models for nuclear power plants is becoming important as demand for digital conversion of nuclear power plants and interest in stable operation increases. This study is to upgrade the configuration and data to enable systematic management during the life cycle of nuclear power plants. Until now, the format of digital information between related companies (engineering, construction, supply, and operation) has been inconsistent, making it difficult to manage and utilize information from 3D CAD models. To solve this problem, We would like to introduce a 3D CAD model standardization plan through the process of defining and standardizing the numbering system, attributes, and color criteria of components. It is expected that new technologies such as digital twin and VR/AR can be applied to increase efficiency and safety of nuclear power plants through standardization of 3D CAD models.
□ 링크
ALIO : 공공기관 경영정보 공개시스템
알리오, ALIO 공공기관 경영정보공개시스템
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